
Are you looking for Dory? I found her!

10:30 AM

Looking for Dory? I found her! Finding Dory Blue Tang

Well, first I saw a bunch at the pet store, but they said taking care of Dory is to be left to the experts because it's a saltwater fishie. 'Finding Dory' Pet Fish? Here's Why Buying Royal Blue Tang Fish For Kids Is Not OK:

dory blue tang
photo credit: twitter.com/Fish_Feel
I found a cute crocheted one on Ravelry!(and it's a free pattern!)


 Red Ted Art did a round-up of lots of crafts and treats!


Here's a makeup tute:

Last, but certainly never least, I found Dory at Jamberry!! Yes, you can now sport Dory and friends on your nails thanks to the continuing collaboration between Disney and Jamberry!
 Disney•Pixar Dory Jamberry

Disney fans big and small can show their love for Disney•Pixar Dory!

 Go on the journey with your friends and family along with Disney•Pixar Dory! Jamberry
Yes, they can go on your toes, and yes they are waterproof, too!

Go on the journey with your friends and family along with Disney•Pixar Dory!

Here are some Grown-up(Regular) and Child(Junior) matches for a cute Mommy and Me Mani/Pedi

Disney Collection by Jamberry

N.B.Products in the Disney Collection by Jamberry are only available in the US and Canada, at this time. The products in the Disney Collection by Jamberry qualify for the buy 3, get 1 free (B3G1) discount. This means if you buy any 4 wraps, the cheapest one in your cart is free. If you buy 3 Disney wraps and 1 catalog wrap, you’ll get the catalog wrap for free. If you buy 4 Disney wraps and no catalog wraps, you’ll get one of the Disney wraps for free. Other discounts such as Host Rewards or any other special offer, do not apply.Products in the Disney Collection by Jamberry are only available in the US and Canada, at this time.

 Tell me, which wrap is your favorite?

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