My life

Trippingly off the (baby's) tongue

6:47 AM

Tommaso is adding more and more words to his vocabulary. Just now he said mela, which means apple in Italian! So here is the official list of words my 19month old says in no particular order.

  1. mela (apple)
  2. grazie
  3. thanks
  4. please
  5. bye bye
  6. mamma (mom)
  7. papa`(daddy)
  8. nonno(grandfather)
  9. nonna(grandmother)
  10. Elmo[ugh]
  11. uva(grapes)
  12. uvetta(raisins)
  13. si(yes)
  14. yeah
  15. no
  16. fell
  17. uh oh
  18. hot
  19. hi
  20. dog
  21. bus
  22. all done
  23. eyes
  24. where is
  25. here it is
  26. book
  27. pappa(pablum)
  28. head
  29. hat
  30. ball
  31. bubble
  32. mine
  33. duck
  34. light
  35. shoes
  36. chair
  37. car
  38. cacca
  39. clean up
  40. boom
  41. scimmia(monkey)
  42. pesce(fish)
  43. Gesu`(Jesus)
  44. Jesus

He also blows lovely kisses to all those he loves!

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