Et cetera

Ice Cream!

7:23 PM

Hello readers(is anyone left?)!
 I haven't blogged for a long time, I know. I spend much time on Ravelry these days. I keep in touch with people on Facebook, so the blogging has gone by the wayside. Scusi.

But now I have some wisdom to share:

When the temperature reaches 108F(42C), it most definitely calls for ICE CREAM!

Hubby agreed, so into the dregs of the basement to retrieve my RIVAL(tm) ice cream maker I went. My mom bought me it way back in (tonight we're gonna party like it's) 1999. It cost $23.84 at Sterns.(Yes the receipt is still in the box. The scontrino checking policemen in Italy would be pleased.)

Flavor of the Day? ButterPecan, yumm!
 But there's one teeny problem. The recipes in the pamphlet that came with my ice cream maker doesn't dare to dream of such exotic flavor. So I consulted my trusty Culinary Institute of America Encylcopedia of Homemaking (c)1940 to see if they had any ideas. On page 2 of the Refrigerator Desserts Volume, I thought my quest had ended, but it called for raw eggs!

 I'm a very adventurous eater but I'm not about to put my beloved men at risk so I needed to do more research. A search didn't find me answers, but I must admit that many of the recipes from DesertCandy are very tempting and are now on my queue. Armed with this knowledge, it was time to create a recipe that fits with our lifestyle here @ Dolcezza's dollhouse.

So I sat down with my trusty Lamy Italic Nib and the classic yellow legal pad and got to work.

With my trusty assistant, the yolk was easy. (get the reference?)

Dolcezza's Butter Pecan Ice Cream
 Yield: approximately 2 quarts
1 cup raw sugar
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
2-2/3 cups organic whole milk
1 package pecan halves
3 tablespoons unsalted European butter*
3 eggs,beaten 
1 tablespoon Mexican vanilla extract(from KAF)
1 cup organic heavy cream

Brown pecan halves in all the butter. Don't burn them, it can happen pretty quickly. 

Combine about half of the sugar with milk and heat in a saucepan, but do not boil. Add rest of sugar to the eggs and beat them. Add some of the milk mixture to the eggs to temper them. Stir some more milk mixture into the eggs and then pour  it all back into the saucepan. Cook until thickened. Don't raise the heat too high or you will have scrambled eggs instead of a custard. If you curdle it just a little bit, just strain it before adding to the ice cream maker.

Put custard, heavy cream, vanilla and pecans into a bowl and refrigerate for a few hours or overnight if you have the patience.
 Follow the instructions that came with your ice-cream maker to create your dessert. Mine took 18 minutes of deafening churning. Maybe if I keep making ice cream it'll break down and then I can get a nice modern one that's quiet that needs neither rock salt nor ice........ahhhhhhhh to dream. But I digress.

 *European butter tastes soooo much better than the supermarket variety. I used Kerrygold , but they are all good.

the result? delizioso!

Buon Appetito!

The next flavors on the horizon are pistachio, coffee, and chai. If you have any suggestions, please post links in the comments. If I don't find anything, I might have to invent a new recipe to post!

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